
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

“Life is the sum of your choices.”

“Life is the sum of your choices.”

I would like to share with you someone in my life who has influenced me, my father in law , Nick. I did not know Nick well and truly only met him 5 months before his passing. Nick left us last Monday at the age of 70.

My father-in –law was a self-sacrificing man, who is authentic in all of his dealings with others.

However, in keeping with his authenticity, he tends to be impulsive. He had his demons and was able to control those demons and make good on his challenges just before his passing.

It is because of him, that I carefully consider the choices I make as a parent; knowing I can dramatically affect the lives of my children through my choices and characteristics.

Nick’s characteristic where authentic and unique– he was never trying to gain a better life though thought rather than action. In the end however he knew this was not working and did make a change to living life by action and that within its self says something for the better.

I look back now and remember a scene that played itself out many times I see a man now who just wanted to relax. . Our conversations were genuine, and he talked to me as a peer, as much as any person possibly could.

However, often a positive trait manifests itself in a negative fashion; as was the case with my father-in law. His authenticity, being true to himself, often led him to impulsiveness in both word and action.

Today we have looked at someone who has influenced many lives greatly through his
characteristics and his choices, we have seen that he was a very authentic person who could be self-sacrificing and yet tended to be impulsive.

The impact of living through the consequences of my father in laws decisions has taught me to consider more fully the consequences of my own actions – before I act.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A MAC Truck Hit ME!

Ok, Last year this time , I broke my hip! This year, I break 2 ribs and my foot....nice.

How? Well, getting out of my car! So I am leaning on the front foot pedal of the wheelchair place the wheels on like most guys do when getting out of the car, WHEN....

The foot plate breaks and down I go! NOt just down but down acorss the back of the chair and on to the ribs then I bent my foot back trying to get up. I am having such a good time here in BC,

Car broke into, breaking my self up, and now no less then 4 close friends dieing in the last week.

SOmething has got to get better!!!!! SOON!